Hawally Commercial Tower

Hawally Commercial Tower

  • Owner : Public Authority for Minors Affairs
  • Location : Hawally, Block 169, Plot No. 19
  • Size : 950 sq / Total built up area 13461 sq
  • Cost : 3.8 Million KD

Project Details

The project is located on the corner of Ibn Khaldun and Abdullah Al Othman Street, the design sought to utilize this unique location and comply with the building regulations. Al Othman Commercial Tower locates on the southwestern corner of the site, it also provides a continues Liwan with the project borders and aligns with Ibn Khaldoun street.

This design consists of the ground, two mezzanine and a twenty-one floors tower. The tower form is simple and proposes rectangular floor plans to provide the highest users flexibility. Since the tower is high with a relatively small footprint, the design breaks the mass into three separate parts to achieve balanced architectural proportions by providing two service floors on the eighth and fifteenth floors.